Department of
Architecture and Built Environment

Year six

MArch Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2) is focussed on design as research. Autumn begins with a vertical year 5/year 6 research studio, each studio with a different theme, methodology and approach. Year 6 students then commence their individual design thesis, investigating an idea through written, drawn, and modelled research. In the spring the proposition made in the autumn is tested through a comprehensive and well-resolved design proposal.

Our students


Entrance view of the first floor of a derelict 19th century goods depot

Katherine Krysiak

Architecture drawing of a view from the River Clyde

James Campbell

Architecture drawing of the Stromness pierhead in Orkney.

Chris Bennett

Architecture drawing of the approach from Oxford street.

Jamie Trevllion



Exhibition hall

Jenni Wilson

Proposed makers yard

John Holroyd

Approaching the project from the city

Lauren Levya


Department of Architecture and Built Environment

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 95 14184