School of English
A bird flies over the lake at the University of Nottingham, the Trent Building is visible in the background.

Our Courses

English at Nottingham is a little bit different from others. We're proud of the broad expertise available in our School and want to give you the opportunity to experience all of it. All our courses start with a broad focus, and then give you the opportunity to create the course that works for you in your second and third years.

BA English gives you the broadest foundation, and BA English Language and Literature allows you to focus a bit more. BA English with Creative Writing builds in a substantial route of your own writing and our Joint Honours degrees combine English with another subject from across the Arts.
Course structure
 Courses Year One Year Two Year Three
 English BA Five core modules and one optional module Any six modules covering at least three areas of study Any six modules covering at least three areas of study OR any five modules covering at least three areas of study and a dissertation 

English Language and Literature BA

Five core modules and one optional module Literary Linguistics and Texts Across Time plus four optional modules Any six modules covering at least three areas of study OR any five modules covering at least three areas of study and a dissertation
English with Creative Writing Six core modules Poetry: Conventions and Forms and Fiction: Conventions and Forms plus four optional modules Advanced Writing Practice: Poetry, Advanced Writing Practice: Fiction and Creative Writing Dissertation plus three optional modules.

Joint Honours

Choice of three out of four core modules

Three optional modules covering at least two areas of study Three optional modules covering at least two areas of study OR two optional modules and a dissertation

Find out More


Areas of study

The School of English is split into five areas of study: Creative Writing, Drama and Performance, Language and Linguistics, Literature, and Medieval Studies. We have a broad range of experts in these areas studying everything from D. H. Lawrence to fictional language creation to misogyny in society.


Drama and Performance

Learn more about Dr Chris Collins.


English Literature

Learn more about Dr Matthew Green.

Medieval Studies

Learn more about Dr Jo Martin and Professor Judith Jesch.


Core modules

In the first year all students take a number of core modules to explore the different areas of study available to them. In the second and third year students then have the opportunity to follow their interests through their course. We've put together some example student journeys to show you just how you can build different experiences from our module options. Find our journeys here.


Studying Literature

Core Module for: English BA, English Language and Literature BA, English with Creative Writing, Joint Honours


Studying Language

Core Module for: English BA, English Language and Literature BA, English with Creative Writing, Joint Honours


Beginnings of English

Core Module for: English BA, English Language and Literature BA, English with Creative Writing, Joint Honours


Drama, Theatre and Performance

Core Module for: English BA, English Language and Literature BA, English with Creative Writing, Joint Honours


Creative Writing

Core Module for: English with Creative Writing


Academic Community

Core Module for: English BA, English Language and Literature BA, English with Creative Writing




A dissertation is an individual research project students have the option of completing in their final year. This can be on a topic of language, literature or performance. Students will work on a one-to-one basis with a supervisor, producing a detailed and sustained piece of writing. 

A dissertation can be a full year project or just taken in the Spring term.

Creative Writing Dissertation

A creative writing dissertation is an independent project involving both creative and critical work. The creative component consists of an original work of either fiction, poetry, or drama, or a combination of two of these genres, to be agreed with your dissertation supervisor. The critical component addresses the main issues involved in the process of developing and revising your creative work.

Practice Based Dissertation

A project based dissertation allows students to complete a project in a industry and then write their dissertation on the basis of that work. As with a dissertation students will work one-to-one with a supervisor to complete their work. 

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School of English

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5900