Nottingham ESRC Doctoral Training Programmes

Advanced Training Module Registration

 The University of Nottingham offers a portfolio of ESRC Advanced Training Modules to postgraduate students.   

Non-Nottingham Students

*PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to take a module for credit i.e. complete the assessment, you will need to follow the below steps. DTP-2 students (2024 onward) who only wish to audit a module should contact the module convenor directly to see if this is possible*

If you are an ESRC funded student with the Midlands Graduate School DTP, and based at one of the following institutions: Warwick, Birmingham, Leicester, Loughborough, NTU, DMU or Aston you will need to firstly apply to University of Nottingham for a place. Once registered you will be able to select which module(s) you wish to attend. 

Registration is now open for 2024/25

All applications must be submitted by the deadline of 28th February 2025.

Please click the link on the right to create a New Application

  • Step 1: Create an Account

  • Step 2: Apply for a course. Please select Programme ‘No Award - USOS DTP/CDT - 4 yr’ from the drop-down list. Note that it may also apppear as "No Qualification: Postgraduate Research - Social Science - No Award - 4 Years." Step 3: Accept the offer of a place of study. This will be an email once admissions have processed your application. 

    • You should choose either a October or February start date, depending on the semester your module(s) will run. 
    • You can simply state 'ESRC MGS DTP' when asked about research topic and topic description. 
    • Only select and complete the compulsory sections.
    • If you are required to name a supervisor, please enter 'Professor Marek Korczynski' (UoN DTP Director) 
  • Step 4: Create your Nottingham IT account and complete registration. This will be an email approximately 3 weeks before your chosen start date (October or February).

  • Step 5: Complete virtual in-person registration. You will need to complete the online form available here under the "Any student starting their studies off campus including Lincoln Medical School students" tab

  • Step 6: Complete module enrolment for your chosen ATM(s). To do this, you must complete this MS Form, with all of the details. Below are answers you can use

    • Degree Title: please use 'PhD'
    • Home Faculty: please use 'Faculty of Social Sciences'
    • School or Research Group: please use 'ESRC Midlands Graduate School DTP'

Please note: you must complete all mandatory fields in the application form to be offered a place and must complete registration with the University to access module enrolment. 

You will be invited to re-register the following academic year. You should do this only if you wish to return to take another ATM at Nottingham. 

All applications must be submitted by the deadline of 28th February 2025.

If you have any queries or issues, please email:




University of Nottingham Students

Please use Module Enrolment for PGRs to choose your modules





Nottingham ESRC Doctoral Training Programmes

University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4708