Faculty Marketing
Each faculty has a dedicated business partner to support faculty, school and department marketing and communications.
Predominantly supporting student recruitment and research, your Faculty Head of Marketing and Communications work closely with wider Digital and Marketing colleagues to deliver highly impactful marketing campaigns to build reputation and profile, drive lead generation and conversion.
For minor web support, please fill out the Web Support Request Form. For further information and to initiate larger web and marketing projects, please contact your Faculty Head of Marketing and Communications in the first instance.
Faculty of Arts
Helen Frost: helen.frost@nottingham.ac.uk
Faculty of Engineering
Payash Bahuguna: payash.bahuguna@nottingham.ac.uk
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Katharine Green: katharine.green@nottingham.ac.uk
Faculty of Science
Karen Thirwell: karen.thirlwell@nottingham.ac.uk
Faculty of Social Sciences (excluding NUBS)
Georgina Barclay: georgina.barclay@nottingham.ac.uk
Nottingham University Business School (NUBS)
Jodie Le Resche jodie.leresche@nottingham.ac.uk