
Use our FAQs area as your first port of call for support. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, please raise a support request.


You will find these in the /SharedResources folder in the navigator and then either the /MiniTemplates or /HTMLSnippets folders. See layouts and formatting and reusable content for more information.


Yes, you can create these within your site but we do encourage you to consult us first as they may be useful to others and we may decide to add them to Shared Resources.


Twitter/X feeds are no longer supported on our website.


As a content editor you are able to do the following:

  • Create and edit existing content
  • Create folders
  • Upload documents and images
  • Submit work for approval
  • Create news and events (where applicable)
  • Access the shared resources folder

Content editors are expected to ensure content is accurate, appropriate and accessible, and that there are no copyright issues with images. All content should follow the university's style guide and brand.


As a content approver, you are can do everything a content editor can do, along with the following:

  • Archive pages
  • Manage menu
  • Publish work to the live website

Content approvers are responsible for checking content for:

  • accuracy
  • legality
  • suitability
  • accessibility  

Unless it is unavoidable due to staff absences, approvers should not approve their own work.  The approval stage is an important quality check and an independent review is clearly preferable.


As a site administrator, you are able to administer the following:

  • Folders
  • Content types
  • Permissions
  • User access
  • Meta data
  • Menu options
  • Page templates
  • Publishing
  • Advanced options

You can also:

  • Delete pages, images, documents etc

There is generally only one administrator per website.


We have a list of unit web coordinators for your reference. If you think someone should be listed on here that isn't, please let us know.


New users will need to attend the CMS training. Once they have attended the course, the user will need to ask their unit web coordinator or line manager to contact the web team through a support form with confirmation of the user's required permissions.

New CMS users will be added to the UI-Contensis-Users AD group (active directory) and will appear in Contensis within 24 hours.

To get an existing CMS user added to a new folder, the unit web coordinator or line manager contact the web team through a support form confirming the permissions required.


There are details for one-day CMS training courses on the website, as well as the dates that these days take place on.


These areas are managed by the marketing team and only they have access to edit. If you have an amend, you should contact your Faculty Head of Marketing.


To view examples of different layouts, look through the layouts and formatting section.

To use a layout, find it in the 'MiniTemplates' folder in 'Shared Resources', then click (and hold) its icon and drag to the relevant place on your page.

You can also ask your unit web coordinator for best practice advise.


When a page is created as a part of a school website, the correct colour and navigation bar are automatically applied.

New content is expected to meet the university brand guidelines. In order to maintain a uniform layout, we recommend using appropriate heading sizes (keeping Heading 2 styles beneath a Heading 1, etc), focusing important information on the top left of the page, with any images on the right, and formatting text to clearly present information.


Yes. Drag and drop the show/hide mini template into your page. This can be found in Shared Resources > MiniTemplates > Content Layouts. An example of this can be seen on the web team website.

You should consider if you need to use a show/hide. It is best for information where someone only needs to view one of the show/hide sections. If you use them because content is too long, consider cutting content down or if it requires a subpage instead.


Some old mini templates were automatically set to show text over image as a heading 1. Current mini templates have unformatted text areas which allow you to apply any heading style you like.


If you'd like to remove the alternate row style from lists generated by a web control, use one of the following IDs:

  • noalternate
  • noalternateTwo
  • noalternateThree
  • noalternateFour

It doesn't matter which you use but note that you'll need to use a different ID for multiple listing controls on a single page. You can therefore have a maximum of four separate controls with no alternate row style on one page.


The CMS is unable to provide restricted access areas. Instead, Workspace or Sharepoint should be used to create log in only areas.


The CMS is unable to provide restricted access areas. Instead, Workspace or Sharepoint should be used to create log in only areas.


The university brand has been developed with colour deficiency and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines in mind. Our brand guidelines give details of all university colours and how they work in terms of contrast, font size and accessibility on the university website and in print.

  • General guidance on colour vision deficiency can be found on the NHS website
  • See information on accessibility of the university's website

Server errors occur for a number of reasons. See our common Contensis errors page for example errors and how to fix them.


If you've created a new homepage to replace an existing homepage you may find that the previous URL has stopped working. This could be for a number of reasons:

  1. The filename is different, we'd recommend using the same filename
  2. The navigation hasn't picked up the new file
  3. You've not set the new page as the folder homepage

Try each of the above, save, publish and preview your page.

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person looking at website on phone and laptop

We're here to help

The web team are happy to assist staff with any issues and advise on web related queries.

Use the button below to find the appropriate request forms to raise a request with our team.

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