
Use our FAQs area as your first port of call for support. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, please raise a support request.


To upload video to Contensis you will need to read the adding videos guide (PDF). All videos should be captioned for accessibility.


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) aims to put the pages of the University of Nottingham website in front of as many eyes as possible, and over the years, we've delivered on a number of projects that have really helped to grow student recruitment and audience retention through organic search - the website's most important online channel.

Along with the ongoing work that aims to improve every area of the website, we can provide training, web audits and identify key opportunities to help get your area of the website more visitors and bring more students to the University of Nottingham.

We also offer training on Google Analytics, so that you can understand who your visitors are, what they're looking for, and what you can do to ensure that you keep them engaged and interested in your pages.

You can use our request form for help with SEO and Google Analytics.

A support request is for simple issues that will likely require a quick answer or a fast solution. Do you require access to one of our third party platforms? Do you want a brief explanation of how things work? Are you looking for an analysis of just one or two pages? These would all fall under the banner of support requests. If the work won't require a long timeline, or any meetings, and you believe that it could be resolved promptly, this is a support request.

A project request is for larger pieces of work. Do you need to discuss the future of multiple webpages based on in-depth analysis? Do you want an SEO audit of your area of the website? Is your request likely to prompt an ongoing series of meetings, continued support, or detailed and considered solutions to complex issues surrounding SEO or Analytics? If you answered yes to any/all of the above, then you need to log a project request.

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person looking at website on phone and laptop

We're here to help

The web team are happy to assist staff with any issues and advise on web related queries.

Use the button below to find the appropriate request forms to raise a request with our team.

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