
Use our FAQs area as your first port of call for support. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, please raise a support request.


The links that lead to an expired page will still be hyperlinked, but will now lead to a 'Page Not Found' error message. These links have to be disabled separately in order to make it clear that the page no longer exists and to avoid user frustration.


If you see a system error twice, it is worth checking with the web team. Please complete a support form including screenshots if possible. The web team will then attempt to recreate the issue and find a resolution.


Content should be pasted as plain text because the underlying code from a Word document can get carried across and cause problems in the CMS. We recommend that you paste the content into Notepad - which wipes the formatting - and then copy and paste from there into the CMS.


Please contact your unit web coordinator who should be able to access this information. Otherwise, please contact the web team via our support form.


Meta data isn't currently mandatory in the CMS, however, it may become so in the future. We would advise users to add meta data to pages where possible.


Sometimes, if content and mini templates have been dragged and dropped around on a page, the code becomes jumbled up and breaks the page in preview.

This may also be due to your page not being saved. Please save and preview your page to check again.

If your preview is drastically different to your edit mode, please log a support request.


If you have the necessary permissions (approver or higher), right click on the page and select 'Make folder homepage'. This will then begin to update the site. Please note, allow up to a day for this change to take effect.


To get your event a place on the University of Nottingham homepage, please contact the Communications team.


You should follow best web practice.

  • Give files recognisable names (this helps with search engine optimisation) that are short while still retaining meaning
  • Do not use spaces in a filename (eg undergrad study.aspx) - use hyphens instead
  • Do not use full stops (eg
  • Do not use any character that isn't a letter, number, dash or underscore (eg % ,*)

Yes, images do require approval. Submit them in the same way as any other document or page.


We recommend resizing very large images before uploading them into the CMS.

Contensis also has its own Image Editor which allows you to do basic image manipulation such as resize, crop and some image effects (eg greyscale). For more advanced image editing, we recommend using Adobe Photoshop, GIMP or Adobe Express and then importing your images.


This is because your controls must have different IDs. Two instances of the same ID will break your page.


There are a few steps you need to follow - please see the media gallery guide for details.


When documents are uploaded, it is common to forget to submit and authorise them. In order to create a live version of a document, click on the document in the navigator and select edit. Then select workflow and submit and authorise. It will then put the document in the publishing queue for the live server.


Refer to our rotating feature guide. If you need any further help with setting this up, please contact your unit web coordinator in the first instance.

  1. Once your image has been uploaded to Contensis, locate it in the navigator.
  2. Click (and hold) the icon of the image and drag it onto your page.

When building a web page, we strongly recommend using images from the University of Nottingham image bank. These images have either been commissioned by the university or else purchased with unrestricted copyright, so their use is completely authorised.

If you use images from elsewhere, you must ensure that their copyright license allows you to use them and you follow any restrictions on use, for example, giving credit. They should also follow our brand style, please read our photography pages for more information.


You can find a list of recommended image sizes on our website.


You will need to amend the PDF outside of Contensis. Once this is updated, you can click edit on the current PDF file in the CMS and then browse to the new version on your computer to upload it over the old version. Once you have approved the PDF file, all links will update to the new version and it will keep the same name, so you don't need to relink to it.


Even though your profile is updated via the eStaffProfile interface, your image is uploaded to Contensis. If you don't have permissions to edit Contensis, your unit web coordinator will be able to assist.

Staff image format

Image to show the size of an eStaff Profile picture

Ensure your staff image is in the following format:

  • Width: 120px
  • Height: 150px
  • Format: .jpg (not png, gif, jpeg or any other format)
  • Resolution: 72dpi
  • Filename: firstnamesurname.jpg (to match the end of your staff profile URL)

The filename must be your full name with no full stops or hyphens. For example, if your staff page URL ends in Michael.James-Phillips your image must be named michaeljamesphillips.jpg

Please ensure the image is the correct size before uploading to Contensis.

Uploading a staff image

  1. Image showing the people folder structureIn Contensis, navigate to and expand the people folder (or similar) you want to upload the image to
  2. Click on the staff-images folder and create new content
  3. Select image as the content type (if given the option)
  4. Browse for your image and upload
  5. Add your full name into the image's alt (alternative) text field
  6. Click finish to upload the image
  7. It will take a while for your profile page to update with your image

eStaffProfile settings

Your eStaffProfile must be set to show your staff image on your profile. See the eStaffProfile user guide (PDF) for instructions on how to do this.

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person looking at website on phone and laptop

We're here to help

The web team are happy to assist staff with any issues and advise on web related queries.

Use the button below to find the appropriate request forms to raise a request with our team.

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