Anna Gardner
Senior IP Management Executive, Financial & Business Services
After completing my LLB in Law at University of Leeds, including one year spent at Le Mans University studying French law, I worked for the legal publisher Sweet & Maxwell as Legislation Editor on the online legal database 'Westlaw' and then as Production Editor of European law journals. After some time teaching English in Shanghai I returned to the UK and worked within the commercial arm of an educational sports charity, the Youth Sport Trust, overseeing print and production of CPD materials for teachers and advising colleagues on IP issues relating to the sale of copyright material and sporting products. Prior to joining the IP & Commercialisation team within BEIS I worked at the University of Leicester for 18 months as Contracts Manager, negotiating industrially-funded contracts within the College of Science and Engineering.
Expertise Summary
In my current role I provide advice on intellectual property to staff and students and resolve issues relating to IP ownership and management internally within the University and with third parties, working alongside RGS on IP provisions within industrially-funded research contracts where necessary. I set up contracts with external organisations including material transfer agreements, Heads of Terms, licence agreements and confidentiality agreements; work with members of the IP & commercialisation team to raise general awareness of IP and technology transfer issues within the University, and assist in managing the University's patent portfolio.