Gendering Latin American Independence

About the Gendering Latin America Independence project

The project started as a five year AHRC-funded research project (2001-2006) with the aim of rethinking Latin American Independence in terms of gender.

Now, having received further funding from the AHRC, we are in the process of transforming this website into a dynamic, interactive community-contributed and community-driven resource which will allow participants to exchange ideas and information about the Independence struggles and their contemporary relevance.

We aim to stimulate debate and knowledge transfer regarding the significance of these events – and of the ideas and aspirations which they represent - to the lives of Latin American women today.

Team meetings

Brief details of project team meetings

April 2012

  • 12 April: Photographer Pablo Allison and PI Catherine Davies met in London to discuss the photography exhibition.
  • 24 April 2012: Davies, CI Derek McAuley, Drew Shearsmith from Information Services and database expert Richard Tyler-Jones met in Nottingham to discuss the application and the technical aspects of the project.
  • 30 April 2012: Davies and Shearsmith met in Nottingham to discuss blogging.

May 2012

  • 14 May: Allison and Davies meet the Director of LAWRS, Carolina Gottardo, to discuss activities.
  • 17 May: Interviews for Research Assistant took place in Nottingham. Davies, Tyler-Jones and IT expert Teri Browett appointed Maria Thomas to the post.
  • 28 May: Allison and Davies met LAWRS Outreach and Development Coordinator, Carolina Velasquez, to discuss activities to be carried out with the group of young Latin American women.

June 2012

  • 9 June: Meeting at Cambridge House, Elephant and Castle: Velasquez, Davies, Allison, Thomas, LAWRS volunteer Liliana Cardona and the group of Latin American schoolgirls discussed the drama and photography projects.
  • 15 June: Meeting in Nottingham between McAuley, Davies, Tyler-Jones and Browett to discuss the development of mobile apps and other technical aspects of the project.
  • 20 June: Meeting in Nottingham to discuss general plans. Davies, Browett, Tyler-Jones and Thomas attended.
  • 21 June: Meeting in London between Mike Lewis (CEO of and ex-director of New Media at The History Channel) and Maria Thomas to discuss crowd sourcing ideas.
  • 22 June: Meeting at LAWRS, Featherstone Street, London. Davies, Allison, Thomas, CI Iona MacIntyre, Marcela Benedetti from LAWRS and a group of LAWRS volunteers attended.
  • 23 June: Thomas attended LAWRS Saturday workshop at IRMO, London (led by Cardona).
  • 26 June 26th 2012: Davies, Thomas, Browett and Tyler-Jones met in Nottingham to discuss the technical aspects of the project.

July 2012

  • 6 July: Meeting at Horizon between Browett, Tyler-Jones, Thomas and Horizon team member Jesse Blum.
  • 14 July: Thomas attended the drama and photography workshops at LAWRS. The photography workshop was run by Allison and the drama workshop by Amy Rosario from LAWRS.
  • 17 July: Full team meeting at the Horizon Hub, Nottingham.
  • 21 July: Maria attended the drama and photography workshops at LAWRS.

September 2012

  • 28 September 28th 2012: Meeting in Nottingham between Thomas, Davies, MacIntyre (Skype) and Browett to discuss results of trip to South America by MacIntyre and Thomas.

October 2012

  • 12 October: Full team meeting at Horizon, Nottingham.
  • 13 October: Davies and Thomas attended workshops at LAWRS.

November 2012

  • 10 November: LAWRS AGM (Davies and Thomas in attendance). Performance of play 'Razones por las que luchar'.
  • 11 November: Meeting at Nottingham between Erin Snyder (newly appointed Digital Humanities manager), Browett, Thomas, Tyler-Jones and Shearsmith.

December 2012

  • 6 December: Team meeting at Horizon, Nottingham.
  • 7 December: Meeting at Horizon to discuss app between Tyler-Jones, McAuley and develop Dominic Price.

January 2013

  • 15 January 2013: Update meeting between Davies, Browett, Tyler-Jones and Thomas, 1pm - 2pm.

February 2013

  • 27 February: Meeting in Nottingham between April Perrie (coordinator of the Widening Participation initiative), Tyler-Jones and Thomas about the WP activities.
  • 27 February: Meeting at Horizon between McAuley and Thomas about goals of the new stage of the project.

April 2013

  • 10 April: Thomas presented the first Language and Cultural Exchange workshop at Southwark Council.
  • 13 April: Thomas and Davies presented a paper entitled 'Empowerment through Art: Photography and Latin American Migrant Girls in London' at the 'Arts and Belonging in the Americas Today' conference, Senate House, London.
  • 24 April 24th 2013: Thomas delivered second Language and Cultural Exchange workshop at Southwark Council (guest speaker Juan Carlos Piedra from Movimiento Ecuador Reino Unido)

May 2013

  • 8 May 2013: Meeting at Horizon between Thomas and Horizon team member Laura Carletti to discuss piloting the app.
  • 8 May: Thomas delivered third Language and Cultural Exchange workshop at Southwark Council (guest speaker Carolina Velasquez).
  • 9 May: Meeting in Trent between Thomas and Impact Officer Sarah Kerr to discuss Impact Case Study narrative and feedback strategies for upcoming exhibition and play.
  • 15 May: Thomas gives paper entitled 'Women and Independence in Latin America: Collaboration and Community' at the Community Arts Research Forum, University of Nottingham.
  • 17 May: Meeting at Horizon between Carletti, Price, developer Lavdrus Ibanri, Tyler-Jones and Thomas about the piloting of the app.
  • 22 May: Thomas delivered Language and Cultural Exchange workshop at Southwark Council.

June 2013

  • 5 June: Thomas and Davies to put on Language and Cultural Exchange session at Southwark Council (guest speaker Lala Isla).

For further information on any of these meetings contact Professor Catherine Davies (



Project partners



Project team

Project collaborators



Gendering Latin American Independence

School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies
Trent Building, University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 951 5655