School of Geography

Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled this list of frequently asked questions to help applicants. You might also find it useful to visit the university's frequently asked questions page.

Undergraduate FAQs

I have applied for undergraduate study in the School of Geography. When can I expect to hear from you?
What sort of students are you looking for?
What is your policy on Widening Participation?
The School of Geography offers more than one undergraduate degree programme and I am not sure which I should apply for. Can I apply for more than one course?
What if I get to Nottingham and want to change course? Is this possible?
What is the difference between the BA and BSc degrees in geography?
Would I be more likely to be offered a place if I applied to study for a BSc?
What A level subjects do you accept?
Do you accept re-sits?
What other (non-A level) qualifications do you accept?
Do you recognise prior learning or experiences?
How does the school view a gap year?
How much are the fees?
What sort of financial assistance is available to undergraduate students at Nottingham?
What are the likely costs of living for an undergraduate student at Nottingham?


Postgraduate FAQs

I am an overseas student and I am not sure what English qualifications I need - how can I find out?
I have a confirmed offer of a place on a postgraduate course - how do I find out what funding is available?
What support is available for students with children?




School of Geography

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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