Discovering and understanding underserved communities
People with physical disability
A person has a disability if they have an impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
This may include:
- having poor muscle control, weakness and fatigue
- difficulty walking
- difficulty reaching things and doing difficult manipulations
People with severe physical disabilities usually rely on assistive devices such as mobility aids (e.g. crutches, wheelchairs) and manipulation aids (e.g. prosthetics).
Equality Act (2010) London, Stationery Office
Office for Disability Issues (2014) Disability facts and figures. Department for Work and Pensions
The Disability Partnership (2016) Evaluation Report of the 2015-16 Mencap-led Pharmacy Project
Select which of the following statements are true or false?
Simple steps to identify and better serve individuals with physical disability
Reflect on your own consultation room - Are there barriers to access? Please bullet point your observations in 200 characters or less in the text box below: