Discovering and understanding under-served communities

Activity: Understanding individuals who are under-served

The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination. We therefore have a legal duty to promote equal access of the Medicines Use Reviews Service to all people and not just those who we think are more accepting of the invitation.

Remember people are unique

  • It can be useful to talk about groups of people who have common concerns and distinctive needs, who face shared barriers to health care and who have mutual interests when fighting for equal rights.
  • However, it's important to note that not all of the people who may belong to an 'under-served' community are the same and some may not have poorer health when compared to the rest of the population or require additional support to manage medicines.
  • On the other hand, people who may have membership to more than one marginalised group may have greater medical needs.

We therefore must approach, interact and assess the need for medicine support in an individualised way that is fair and patient-centred.

Equality Act (2010) London, Stationery Office

Healy J and McKee M (2004) Accessing health care: responding to diversity. Oxford University Press