Discovering and understanding under-served communities

Black Asian and Minority Ethnic communities (BAME), and people whose first language is not English

People from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities form approximately 14% of the population in England and Wales. It is well known that people who are from these communities experience poorer health and greater barriers to accessing health services than the rest of the population.

The following are ways ethnicity impacts on an individual’s health
  • Poor awareness of health services and low uptake of screening programmes (e.g. cervical, breast and colorectal cancer screening)
  • Language barriers
  • The impact of higher rates of poverty
  • Biological make-up, making individuals from these communities more susceptible to certain illnesses (e.g. diabetes)

Racial discrimination, and / or a lack of health professional cultural competence also impacts on health.

Becares L (2013) Which ethnic groups have the poorest health? Ethnic health inequalities 1991 to 2011. In: ESRC Centre of Dynamics and Ethnicity (CoDE), ed. Dynamics of diversity: evidence from the 2011 census. University of Manchester, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Evandrou M et al (2016). Ethnic inequalities in limiting health and self-reported health in later life revisited. Journal of epidemiology and community health 70 (7):653-62

ONS (2012) Ethnicity and national identity in England and Wales 2011

Randhawa G (2007) Tackling health inequalities for minority ethnic groups: challenges and opportunities. Race Equality Foundation

Szczepura A (2005) Access to health care for ethnic minority populations. Postgrad Med J. 81 (953):141-7

Traulsen J et al (2016) Patient perspectives. Drug Utilization Research: Methods and Applications, 347-54.

Select which of the following statements are true or false?
People from BAME backgrounds have higher rates of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and mental illness.
Correct - People from BAME backgrounds have higher rates of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and mental illness.
Incorrect - It is true that People from BAME backgrounds have higher rates of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and mental illness.

Health inequalities cannot be reduced through improving social support and tailored NHS services.
Incorrect - We know that health inequalities can be reduced through improving social support and tailored NHS services.
Correct - It is false - Health inequalities can be reduced through improving social support and tailored NHS services.
Simple steps to better serve individuals from BAME communities

Bullet point, in less than 200 characters ways you can better engage and interact with the BAME community.

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