Disabling Barriers/Inhibitors and Empowering Cultural Communication
1. Introduction
Nurses across the world are caring for people from culturally diverse backgrounds. A lack of culturally competent care could contribute to poor patient/person outcomes and health disparities. In order to be culturally competent the nurse needs to examine their own values, beliefs and prejudices keeping an open mind and attempting to look at the world though the perspectives of diverse cultures.
Student nurses are expected to develop cultural competencies so that they can recognise cultural diversity and deliver nursing care that is sensitive to the particular needs of the person and family they are caring for. To do this nurses must become sensitive to their own views and potential prejudices they may have in relation to cultural ethnic groups, gender, sexual orientation, social class and economic situation.
This resource will provide you with the opportunity to examine the challenges you may have when developing your cultural competence. It will help you develop cultural awareness and sensitivity for your future nursing practice.
Scenarios within this resource (RLO) were presented by actors. Thank you to the nurses and patients who contributed to the stories presented, based on their own personal and professional experiences.