Importance of Dental Health Treatment
5. Angela’s Story
Angela arrived in the UK 5 months ago. She is aware of the importance of keeping up with her dental health and has been attending regular check-up's at her dentist. She is attending her annual check up.
Watch this video to follow Angela's story.
Background: Angela is at the dental surgery having a regular check up with her dentist.
Angela: Good morning Dr. Patel, I am here for my check up.
Dr. Patel: Good morning Angela, please have a seat so I can have a look at your teeth.
Dr. Patel: Did you have any history of teeth problem at all?
Angela: Yes I did have cavity in some of my teeth and bleeding gums at some point.
Dr. Patel: How long ago was that?
Angela: About 2 years ago? My dentist put fillings in those teeth and taught me to brush twice daily and use dental floss and mouthwash once a day. I have been sticking to that routine and had check ups with him twice since.
Dr. Patel: Brilliant, that’s good that you stuck to the routine. Let me have a look at your teeth.
[After examination].
Dr. Patel: Your teeth look healthy apart from a little bit of plague build up. There are no tooth decay or gum disease at all so well done for keeping your teeth clean. I am going to do a general clean for you today and you won’t need another check up until next year.
Angela: Ahh... Thank you!