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Maternal depression: Break the silence

9. Resources

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Maternal depression

The term maternal depression encompasses a range of conditions that can affect women during pregnancy and after childbirth. Depression can cause great sadness and rob a mother of her energy, motivation and enthusiasm for parenting. It also can lead to hopelessness, self-doubt, confusion and guilt.

Mental health

Mental health is an integral and essential component of health and is considered a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his/her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his/her community.


Fatigue is a feeling of constant tiredness or weakness and can be physical, mental or a combination of both. Fatigue is sometimes described as similar to how you feel when you have the flu or have missed a lot of sleep. Maternal fatigue after childbirth is often seen as a trivial health issue common to women may play a role in postpartum depression.

Mood swings

Mood swings are the rapid change of the mood in a short period of time with no specific reason. These swings may occur once in a week or periodically, usually in extreme forms, and may lead to severe psychological disorders.

Preterm delivery

Preterm birth, delivery before 37 weeks gestation, is a major obstetric and global health problem. It is the largest direct cause of mortality in infants aged <5 years and associated with serious morbidity in the surviving infants.


Miscarriage is the most common complication of pregnancy and is defined as the spontaneous loss of an embryo or fetus weighing <500 g, up to 20–22 weeks of gestation.

Learning outcomes

Raise awareness on maternal depression.
Understand and overcome the stigma of maternal depression.
Encourage to seek help and support.

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