Allied Health Professional (AHP) Health and Work Report
1. Allied Health Professions Advisory Fitness for Work Reports
Occupational therapists (or OTs) can use the Allied Health Professions (or AHP) Advisory Fitness for Work Report to give advice on their patient's fitness for work. Also, in the 2017 command paper 'Improving lives: the future of work, health and disability', the government stated its intention to reform the fit note and to carry out development work to legislate for the extension of sickness certification powers to other healthcare professionals.
As a consequence there are current and potential opportunities for OTs to help support their patients remain in, and return to, work. On the whole, work is good for physical health, mental health and well-being. People do not need to be 100% fit to engage with work and it is a key goal of AHPs to enable people to safely remain in, or return to work wherever possible.
But OTs may be unsure what AHP Advisory Fitness for Work Reports are and how they are completed.
Please note that following the construction of this learning resource, the Report has undergone a change in the title, and is now called the AHP Health and Work Report. However, the layout of the Report remains the same, and for the purpose of this resource the Report will be referred to using its original title. The Report can be downloaded from the Royal College of Occupational Therapists’ website.