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Eysan - Our researcher


In my research, I explore parental experiences of hospital care for children with intellectual disabilities. Qualitative research is useful as it allows me to explore the experiences, thoughts and feelings of participants. I'm also able to find explanations for human behaviour in a given context. So in contrast to the statistical measurement of quantitative research, qualitative research is based on in-depth description and understanding of a phenomenon from the perspectives of the people involved.

You can explore how people feel and think through open ended questions, for example you can find out about their satisfaction, experience or perceptions of the quality of care they've received.

As an example of this, recent studies have used qualitative methods to explore parents’ views of the nursing care for their child with intellectual disability while receiving care in hospital. You can find a copy of this paper (along with others introduced by my colleagues) in the research library at the end of the corridor if you’re interested to read more."