Estates and Facilities: Hospitality

Menus and operations

 Our progress against each principle:


Be transparent about sourcing and preparation

  • We have dedicated catering sustainability webpages here.
  • Allergen and carbon labelling are displayed for main protein dinner items.

Buy fresh and seasonal, local and global

  • All our eggs are sourced locally.
  • Our fruit and vegetables are sourced from a local supplier.
  • A lot of our bread and baked items come from a Nottingham supplier.
  • A large proportion of the meat we use is sourced from Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.



Reward better agricultural practices

  • The majority of our catering suppliers are contracted through a TUCO framework, where additional due diligence and environmental sustainability standards have been met.
  • We vary our menus each term to include more seasonal ingredients on a 3-week cycle.

Leverage globally inspired, largely plant-based cooking

  • We have a range of plant-based options for students to choose from for both breakfast and dinner.
  • Currently, around 20% of dinners eaten in Halls are either vegetarian or vegan.



Focus on whole, minimally processed foods

  • Most of the meals we serve for dinner are prepared from scratch using minimally prosessed ingredients.
  • We now make some of our desserts from scratch as well.

Grow everyday options, while honouring special occasions and traditions

  • We hold weekly Theme Nights which celebrate different cultural traditions.
  • We celebrate annual religious festivals with bespoke menus, such as Eid, Divali and Chinese New Year.



Lead with menu messaging around flavour

  • Our menus reflect messaging around flavours, using descriptive words such as 'fruity', 'herby' and 'creamy'.

Reduce portions, emphasising calorie quality over quantity

  • We hold a monthly Food Plate Waste competition, where the winning hall with the least amount of food waste wins a special dinner.
  • Our portions are based on the NHS's Eatwell Guide.



Celebrate cultural diversity and discovery

  • We have worked to create a diverse menu with ideas from staff from different communities and cultures.
  • We celebrate cultural diversity by catering for a range of religious dietary requirements such as Halal and Kosher.
  • We also provide support for students during Ramadan.

Design health and sustainability into operations and dining spaces

  • Any new projects or major refurbishments will not include the provision of gas for catering purposes.
  • We seek to replace old and failing catering equipment with more energy efficient options.



Estates & Facilities – Hospitality

The Cottage, Welcome Point Central
University of Nottingham, University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RJ