Employee Leaver Form


The employee leaver form is a detailed form completed by line managers when an employee leaves their post.

The line manager must complete and submit this leaver form to Human Resources before the date the person leaves the University.

The form allows us to collect the information required:

  • to ensure that leavers are paid correctly on termination of employment, and
  • to enable us to make high-quality returns to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in relation to leaver destination information

In order to complete the form, you will need to know the following employee details:

  • employee number (payroll number)
  • name
  • leaving date
  • whether the employee has registered on the Redeployment List 
  • forwarding address for final payslip, P45 and pensions
  • reason for leaving
  • project code for any redundancy payment and which other Schools/Departments will be sharing the redundancy cost, if applicable
  • destination of the leaving employee (not needed for Operations and Facilities staff)
  • hours or weeks worked since the contract anniversary date for employees on a fractional contract

Please attach the employee's letter of resignation or notification of intention to retire to the leaver form, except where the employee is transferring to another University of Nottingham post or leaving by reason of redundancy at the expiry of a fixed-term contract.

For questions relating to completing the form for individual cases, please contact hr@nottingham.ac.uk.

Last edited Jul 02, 2024