Department of Classics and Archaeology

Glazed ceramics in the Early Iron Age Mediterranean

Dr Kalliopi Nikita (with Prof. N. Stampolidis)

Funding from: Museum of Cycladic Art

In this project, a group of glazed amphoroid lykethia from Eleutherna-Sector III in Crete dating to the late 8th and early 7th centuries BC (Stampolidis 2004: 254-256) is explored by using electron probe microanalysis. Chemical and micro-structural examination of bodies and glazes will help characterise composition and determine manufacturing techniques.

Comparative analyses of a series of amphoroid lykethia with similar morphology from contemporary Rhodes, Cyprus and Italy aim to:

  • Identify compositional links and technological affinities amongst them
  • Ascertain the operation workshop or workshops that employed in their production
  • Establish how their manufacture is associated with their intended function
  • Illustrate mechanisms of technological and cultural exchange in the Early Iron Age Mediterranean
Glazed amphoroid lykethion (750-700 BC).

Glazed amphoroid lykethion
(750-700 BC)


Yellow-brown faience body with well-preserved glaze of translucent dark blue colour. Eleutherna-Sector III. Site Orthi Petra, necropolis tomb A1K1. Rethymnon Archaeological Museum. H: 10.7 cm. B.D.: 3.3 cm. M.D. 3.3 cm. R.D. 4.3 cm. (Stampolidis 2004: 255, no. 291)


Stampolidis, N. 2004. "The necropolises. West excavation Sector III", pp. 116-143 and "Finds from the necropolis of Orthi Petra", pp. 234-295 in N. Stampolidis (Ed.), Eleutherna. Polis-Acropolis-Necropolis, Athens: Museum of Cycladic Art.


Excavations of Ancient Eleutherna-Sector III (University of Crete), Hellenic Ministry of Culture (25th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities), Museum of Cycladic Art, Department of Antiquities Cyprus


  • Microanalysis Research Facility, Department of Classics and Archaeology, University of Nottingham


Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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