Indonesia Doctoral Training Partnership

PhD Profiles 2019-2020

Nur Putri
Nur Rofiqoh Eviana Putri

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Research: ADVANCED MANUFACTURING - Additive Manufacture of Biodegradable Bio-composite based Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering

Supervisors: Dr. Laura Ruiz Cantu, Prof. Ricky Wildman, Professor Felicity Rose

Inspiration: Nur Putri studied an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering and has a passion for problem solving and applying skills to solve complex problems. This drive, combined with a technical ability has led to pursuing a PhD in the field of Advanced Manufacturing for progressing Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine. Nur wants to expand their knowledge further and improve others lives. Nur bridges the gap between engineering and medicine to investigate this interesting area of study. Biomaterials for regenerative medicine is a complex area, as it sits at the interface of developing biocompatible materials and biodegradable materials, thus developing the optimum composite material with the most useful balance of characteristics can be an interesting challenge. Nur sees this challenge as a way to push the current manufacturing boundaries towards ‘Additive Manufacturing’, where native tissue will be mimicked more precisely than ever before, therefore making regenerative medicine safer, more advanced and longer lasting.

Why University of Nottingham (UoN)? University of Nottingham hosts the world leading research into Additive Manufacturing and Regenerative Medicine which fulfils Nur’s research interest in biomaterial for regenerative medicine.  In the future, Additive Manufacturing will be more promising to be used for Regenerative Medicine since it can mimic the native tissue more precisely. In addition, University of Nottingham has global community from many different countries so they can enlarge my connections and network.

Background: Bio materials research group in Department of Chemical Engineering, UGM; Masters in Material Science(M.Eng), University of Tsukuba; Chemical Engineering (ST), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).


Dewi Rusnita
Dewi Rusnita

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Research: ONCOLOGY - Exploring a novel marker for lymphovascular invasion and chemotherapy resistance in colorectal cancer

Supervisors: Dr. Abhik Mukherjee & Professor Mohammad Ilyas

Inspiration: Dewi’s passion is cancer. They want to gain a deep understanding about the role of genetic disruption to the occurrence of diseases, including cancer, which could provide an enormous contribution to those affected with the disease notably in; diagnosis, treatment, screening as well as disease prevention. Once qualified, Dewi hopes to apply their skills in Indonesia to promote cancer awareness as well as to extend their research, locally, nationally and internationally, aimed towards comprehensive care for cancer; preventative, curative and rehabilitative.

Why University of Nottingham (UoN)? Dewi was influenced by the UoN being a World leading university and  its award of “Gold Teaching Excellence Framework”, offering a package of outstanding teaching, learning and outcomes for its students. Additionally, the Oncology PhD program provides a conducive research atmosphere, a broad range of research themes within the cancer research group and uses sophisticated cancer-research tools.

Background: Lecturer Faculty of Medicine, Indonesia; Masters in Medical Genetics-University of Glasgow.


Perdana Putera
Perdana Putera

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Research: POWER ELECTRONICS – Solar-powered Fast Charging Station

Supervisors: Professor Pat Wheeler & Dr. Christian Klumpner

Inspiration: This field of research is key to the application and utilisation of renewable energy especially photovoltaic and modern fuel cell systems. Perdana, is a specialist in the application of electrical engineering in the agricultural mechanisation and wishes to extend his skill in power conversion with the objective of energy sustainability and  ‘knowledge transfer’ within Indonesia.

Why University of Nottingham (UoN)? Perdana was attracted by the University of Nottingham’s reputation as a leading world class university, excellent professors. Perdana also wants to build and collaborate with an  international network of specialists within the field of power electronics.

Background: Lecturer in Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh, Agricultural Mechanisation department; MEng Mechatronics and Automatic Control-Universiti Teknologi, Malaysia.


Rakhmat Aditra
Rakhmat Fitranto Aditra

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Research: ARCHITECTURE, STRUCTURE and CONSTRUCTION – Aspirated Cushion Foil Structure

Supervisors: Assistant Professors Paolo Beccarelli and Carlos Jimenez

Inspiration: Rakhmat has always wanted to invent. He specialises in structure and construction, especially when it needs to executed parametrically. His aim is to introduce a new kind of construction and design tools based on membrane material that could be further developed in Indonesia. He sees it addressing the needs of a particular niche market in Indonesia.

Why University of Nottingham (UoN)? Rakhmat was attracted to the UoN because of the expertise of one of his Supervisors. Rakhmat’s research, is very specific and specialised and is likely to combine membrane material, not widely used in Indonesia, and the design of a parametric tool. At the UoN one of his Supervisors has specific expertise in the materials and tools Rakhmat intends to research.

Background: Lecturer Architecture, Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia; Masters and BSc in Architecture, Institute Technology of Bandung, Indonesia.


Rizal Horas Manahan Sinaga 

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Research: SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY – Development of Multiphase Change Material Technology for the Built Environment

Supervisors: Professor Jo Darkwa, Dr. Siddig A. Omer and Dr. Mark Worall

Inspiration: Rizal was inspired to expand upon his expertise in renewable and sustainable energy as his birthplace is near to a large renewable energy source. After completing a masters in geothermal engineering, Rizal has continued to develop his knowledge and aims for his research to be of purpose to his homeland.

Why University of Nottingham (UoN)? Rizal chose UoN because of its reputation as a leading world class research university, Rizal also wanted to expand his experience and knowledge by studying abroad and to collaborate with international reputable researchers.

Background: Lecturer in Physics, production energy technology, engineering thermodynamics; Teacher, Private School, Jakarta; Electronic manufacturing and telecommunications engineer; Masters in Geothermal engineering; BSc Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.

Tri Sudibyo 

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Research: CIVIL ENGINEERING – Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Mixture with Plastic Waste as Additional Material

Supervisors: Professor Gordon Airey and Dr. Nick Thom

Inspiration: Tri was initially inspired by the famous red San Francisco bridge and ‘Equilibrium of Rigid Body’,  and now wants to extend and develop further knowledge to inspire others in Tri’s job as a university lecturer.

Why University of Nottingham (UoN)? Tri chose the UoN as it is well known as one of the world’s top universities, researching transportation engineering and road pavements.

Background: Lecturer in Civil Engineering, IPB University, Indonesia; Worked in the Construction industry prior to attaining a scholarship to complete Masters In Civil Engineering (transportation); Masters and BEng Civil Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.


Adilan Mahdiyasa
Adilan Widyawan Mahdiyasa

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Research: MATHEMATICAL MODELLING - Mechanical Modelling of the Stability of Earth’s Peatland Carbon Reservoirs 

Supervisors: Dr. David Large, Dr. Bagus Muljadi, Dr. Matteo Icardi

Inspiration: Adilan wants to enrich and broaden his skills and become an accomplished research professional in the field of mathematical and statistical modelling with the objective of benefitting Indonesia's Higher Education system. Adilan is passionate about the use of mathematics to aid understanding and help make the world a better place. Adilan hopes this research helps solve problems related to the peatland in Indonesia which have a significant impact on the environment. Also, the interdisciplinary nature of the research, which  combines Engineering, Maths and Geoscience, could provide important contribution to the development of mathematical and statistical modelling to the fields of environmental science and geoscience.

Why University of Nottingham (UoN)? Adilan was attracted by the University’s reputation as a world leader in science and engineering with the ability to support interdisciplinary research. Also, the UoN’s school of mathematical sciences is an internationally-recognised centre of research excellence.

Background: Lecturer Mathematics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia; B.Math and M.Math -Bandung Institute of Technology.








Indonesia Doctoral Training Partnership

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 748 6075