School of Law

Teaching and Learning

pencil and ruler iconThe School of Law is a vibrant place of teaching, learning and research.

Our teaching excellence is often recognised, with our staff winning awards and commendations, including Lord Dearing Awards and Students' Union Staff Oscars.


Teaching is primarily by lecture and tutorial class, but some modules are taught by discussion groups and seminars.


The principal teaching method in the school is the lecture class. The vast majority of undergraduate modules involve lecture classes on a weekly basis.


The school relies heavily upon the tutorial class in its teaching programme. You will be assigned to a tutorial class for each module studied. The group meets on a fortnightly basis for each module to discuss pre-arranged questions and any other problems with the tutor.


Some of the second and final-year undergraduate optional modules are taught by the seminar method. This is a method, midway between the tutorial and the lecture, involving presentations from staff and students which are discussed by the class as a whole.

The rigour and depth of content, though daunting at first, is a really valuable asset of the School of Law. We spend a whole year on the qualifying law modules, so we are given the time to absorb and understand the subject material. Of course, this is also reflected in the people who teach it: we have such a breadth and wealth of expertise at our fingertips!
Jessica Allen, BA Law with French and French Law

Skillegal programme

This is a series of optional workshops on skills such as presentation, communication and negotiation. Delivered by a range of law firms and chambers from London and the regions, the workshops are designed to be interactive and fun and to provide you with an understanding of the skills needed to become a successful lawyer. The legal profession will be looking for evidence of these skills when you apply for legal training in your penultimate year.

Legal Skills Team

The school's Legal Skills Team helps undergraduate law students with their legal skills. The aim is to ensure that every student, regardless of background or ability, has someone they can approach to discuss their legal skills.

Assessment methods

Assessment is predominantly by written examination, although some modules are assessed only by coursework, and a few modules are assessed by a mixture of examination and coursework.

Where a module lasts for one semester, assessment is undertaken at the end of that semester. Where a module fills two semesters, assessment is at the end of the second semester, although your progress will be measured throughout the year.

Typical timetable

The undergraduate timetable varies from year to year and option to option. Typically, you will have 8-10 hours of lectures and two hours of seminars/tutorials per week. In addition to these contact hours, you should expect to undertake a substantial amount of private study per week.


School of Law

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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