Liberal Arts

Our students

Your route through the Liberal Arts degree is unique to you. With so many subjects to choose from we're yet to have two students choose exactly the same modules.

All our students have different backgrounds, interests and future plans - but also plenty in common. They all want to study more than one subject, are ambitious to learn and look at things from different perspectives.

Daisy smiles at the camera in front of green shrubbery


The Liberal Arts course content was so varied, and assessed via different methods so I was able to try lots of new things.

Daisy's full profile


Head and shoulders portrait of Francesca looking direct at camera


I didn’t really know what I wanted to do at university. It’s the breadth that drew me to liberal arts to begin with.

Francesca's full profile


Paige takes a selfie against a plain wall


I actually went to a different university before Nottingham and really struggled due the class differences within the student community. With my accent and family background, I felt like university wasn't for me. So I decided to transfer to a different university.

Paige's full profile


Head and shoulders portrait of Tamaratare standing by the side of a lake looking direct at camera


Another reason I chose this degree over a single subject degree is that I had the option to change direction in any year if I wanted to.

Tamaratare's full profile


Making module choices

Cesca talks about the module choices she made in her first year and how that's helped shape her second year.

In conversation podcasts

Course director Professor Ross Wilson talks to some of our current students about their choices and what Liberal Arts means to them.

Tamaratare Amgbaduba

Tamaratare has studied widely, following a theme of arts performance. She has also recently developed a creative network Soul House Arts!, providing a safe space for young performers and creatives to learn and connect.

Joshua Harris

As well as studying Mandarin Chinese, International Entrepreneurship and Maths Joshua has found time to launch his own clothing company CHA, inspired by his travels, love of Mandarin and graphic design abilities.


Ella Moore

Subjects include Mandarin, Psychology and Geography.

Daisy Forster

Has taken modules in Theology, History and Classics.


Ellie Clark

Specialises in studies of class and gender and has taken modules English Literature, Politics and American Studies



University of Nottingham

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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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