
eLibrary help form

Please use the following form to inform us of any issues with University of Nottingham Libraries online services. 

This information may answer your enquiry:

  1. Check eLibrary Service Status for details of current problems, planned maintenance or known issues with library online services.  
  2. If you are not being logged in, it may be that your password has expired and needs to be reset. Visit the Digital and Technology Services site for more information about how to set up security questions for your IT account, and how to change your password.
  3. Most eResources no longer require an Athens account. We recommend that you use the Institutional (sometimes referred to as Shibboleth) login link when accessing e-resources from off campus.
  • Name
  • Are you on campus OR off campus?
  • Are you a Lincoln medical student?
  • How are you accessing this resource?
  • Which internet browser are you using?
  • Which operating system are you using?



University of Nottingham Libraries

King's Meadow Campus
Lenton Lane
Nottingham, NG7 2NR

Please see our Help and support page for
telephone and email
contact points