Do you need study materials in a format that works better for you? If so, you may be able to access support from our Alternative Formats Services (AFS) team via a Disability Support Services (DSS) referral.
In Libraries we're committed to creating an inclusive learning environment for all students and we can provide you access to study materials in whatever format you need. Whether you require more specialist support or prefer to do it yourself, we're here to make your journey a smoother and more accessible one.
Personalised Support for Visual Impairments
Our AFS team provides specific resources for students with visual impairments such as:
- Large print
- Braille
- Electronic/screen reader compatible files
- Audio
This service ensures that no student is left behind, giving you equal access to the materials you need to succeed.
How to Access This Support
If you have a print disability and feel you will benefit from this service please contact DSS.
By Phone: 0115 82 32070
- Drop In Sessions: Monday 10am till 12 noon
- Wednesday 1.30pm till 3.30pm
- Thursday 1.30pm till 3.30pm
Arrange an appointment
SensusAccess: Convert It Your Way
For a quick and convenient self-service option, SensuAccess is here to help. This automated tool allows you to convert documents into a variety of alternative formats that fit your specific needs. Whether it’s an e-book, audio file, DAISY talking book or braille you require, SensuAccess puts accessibility into your hands.
Who Can Use SensuAccess?
This is a handy and ideal tool for students with a print disability who receive a lot of reading material, particularly during assessment time. It is also available to those who are converting resources for another with a print disability.
There are no restrictions placed on the amount you can convert if the copy is for the use of the print disabled individual only as files cannot be shared with any other party.
More insight and guidance on SensusAccess
Dive in and take the SensusAccess e-learning course
Posted on Friday 24th January 2025