School of Life Sciences

School Research Published in Nature Communications

SockettNatCommsPaper (2)

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School Research Published in Nature Communications

The latest research of Prof Liz Sockett, in conjunction with Dr Carey Lambert and Welcome Trust sponsored Ph.D. student Emma Banks from the School, and working with teams at the Universities of Birmingham and Newcastle, has been published in Nature Communications.

The paper describes the discovery that predatory bacteria have evolved to sculpt their own shape, through the action of a diversified cell wall-modifying enzyme and that this helps them live inside other cells. It shows that although bacteria are single cells without a nervous system, they do have a molecular response to the shape of their environment.

Emma Banks has recently taken up a postdoctoral position in Prof Tung Le's group at the John Innes Institute in Norwich, and we wish her well in her future research.

Posted on Thursday 7th April 2022

School of Life Sciences

University of Nottingham
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