School of Life Sciences

Undergraduate courses

We aim to provide you with excellence in education in the biological and biomedical sciences. Our teaching is delivered by academics committed to education and who are actively involved in world-leading research. Our research means your education is shaped by the latest scientific discoveries. Studying with us will allow you to explore, discover, apply and innovate.

Why study with us

You’ll gain essential scientific skills and hands-on lab experience in our teaching laboratories in both the Life Sciences building and the nearby Medical School Building.


Our graduates are highly valued, and you will be well placed to follow a variety of career paths, fully supported by our careers service for as long as you need.


We allow transfer between our courses if students meet the appropriate course requirements.



Find out more about our courses

A male student pipettes in a biochemistry lab


A student inspects a tarantula


A neuroscience student pipetting in the lab


Two students observing pharma results on a screen


A student on an exercise bike, connected to a respirator

Sport and Exercise Science

Two students inspect a centipede




School of Life Sciences

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham NG7 2UH

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