School of Mathematical Sciences

Research Fellowships

We welcome applications from interested individuals for personal fellowships. Numerous schemes are available catering for a range of different circumstances.

How to Apply

Potential applicants are advised to contact a potential supervisor or research group as soon as possible. Certain fellowship schemes have limited places (EPSRC, NERC, STFC and Royal Society), so early application is advised.

For these and other external fellowships, please use the Expression of Interest form and send to theDirector of Research at least a month prior to the submission deadline

If you are applying for a University of Nottingham sponsored fellowship, please use the form provided specifically for the scheme you are interested in and send this to the Director of Research.

We will review received Expressions of Interest as soon as possible and invite successful candidates to submit a full application. The School will offer its full support to these candidates in preparing and submitting the application.

 Fellowships  are available in the following areas:

  • General Mathematical
  • Pure Mathematics
  • Mathematics with Engineering
  • Mathematics in the Environmental Sciences
  • Mathematics in the Social Sciences
  • Mathematical Medicine and Biology
  • Mathematical Physics

For a full listing of our fellowships please visit our Research Fellowships page.


Posted on Monday 23rd January 2012

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

For all enquiries please visit: