School of Mathematical Sciences

Dynamics of boundary singularities

Project description

Some physical problems can be modelled by a function or vector field with a near discontinuity at a point. Specific examples include boundary vortices in thin magnetic films, and some types of dislocations in crystals. Typical static configurations can be found by minimizing certain energy functionals. As the core size of the singularity tends to zero, these energy functionals are usually well described by a limiting functional defined on point singularities.

This project investigates how to obtain dynamical laws for singularities (typically in the form of ordinary differential equations) from the partial differential equations that describe the evolution of the vector field. For some such problems, results for interior singularities are known, but their boundary counterparts are still lacking.

This project requires some background in the calculus of variations and the theory of partial differential equations.



Project published references

M Kurzke: The gradient flow motion of boundary vortices Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire. 24(1), 91-112

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School of Mathematical Sciences

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