School of Mathematical Sciences

Pseudo-orbit expansions in quantum graphs and their application

Project description 

Quantum graphs are a paradigm model to understand and analyse the effect of complexity on wave propagation and excitations in a network of wires. They have also been used as a paradigm model to understand topics in quantum and wave chaos where the complexity has a different origin while the mathematical framework is to a large extent analogous.

Many properties of the waves that propagate through such a network can be described in terms of trajectories of a point particle that propagates through the network. The ideas is to write a property of interest as a sum over amplitudes (complex numbers) connected to all possible trajectories of the point particle. These sums remain challenging objects for explicit evaluations. Recently a numer of advanced methods for their summation have been introduced. The latter are built on so-called pseudo-orbits. In this project these methods will be develloped further and applied to questions related to quantum chaos and random-matrix theory.




Supervisor contacts


Related research centre or theme

Quantum Information and Metrology

Quantum Mathematics




Project published references

Daniel Waltner, Sven Gnutzmann, Gregor Tanner, Klaus Richter, A sub-determinant approach for pseudo-orbit expansions of spectral determinants, arXiv:1209.3131 [nlin.CD]

Ram Band, Jonathan M. Harrison, Christopher H. Joyner, Finite pseudo orbit expansions for spectral quantities of quantum graphs, arXiv:1205.4214 [math-ph]

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School of Mathematical Sciences

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