
Role of the Teacher

The benefits of being involved in the programme, and how those gains are achieved, is outlined in this section.

Often PD sessions consist of an expert telling teachers about new teaching strategies that they need to adopt in the lessons. This may not take into account the context, including teacher’s own priorities and skills. In contrast, the Maths-for-Life programme, adapts to, rather than inserts itself into, teachers’ practice. 

Over several months, the lead teacher and teacher work together planning, teaching and reviewing lessons. The focus throughout is on student thinking, in all its variety, and how best to support sustained learning. This process cultivates a sense of belonging, and a professional identity.  

A discussion about the potential of the Maths-for-Life programme for improving the students' experience of mathematics.



Centre for Research in Mathematics Education
School of Education, University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB