University of Nottingham

Mechatronics 720


Mechatronics is an interdisciplinary strand that focuses on the synergistic integration of mechanical, electronic, and electrical engineering systems. It includes a combination of robotics, computer science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

The main aim of the UTC’s Mechatronics strand is to develop smart Mechatronics systems to enhance the manufacturing capabilities used in the production of existing and future aeroengines.

To achieve this, the UTC is focusing its efforts into three strategic cooperative research branches within this new research strand:

  1. Digitalisation of human operations
  2. Development of intelligent production systems
  3. Data-driven manufacturing systems



Research and Development List

Here you can find information about our projects. 

Reconfigurable Soft Robots by Building Blocks



Machining and Condition Monitoring

Faculty of Engineering
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB
