School of Medicine
Specialist lab equipment in the Biodiscovery Institute

Biodiscovery Institute and the Centre for Cancer Sciences

A brand new extension to the Centre for Biomolecular Sciences building (Building 43 on University Park Campus). It houses both the Biodiscovery Institute and the Centre for Cancer Sciences. 

The building houses:

  • An Irradiation suite
  • Quarantine labs
  • Cell Culture labs
  • Microscopy Labs
  • Freezer rooms
  • Seminar and meeting rooms
  • And specific labs for Immunohistochemistry, Tissue Culture, Biomaterials, PCR, Microbiology, and Bioprinting

Find out more about the Centre for Cancer Sciences

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

Contacts: Call 0115 823 0031 ext.30031 or please see our 'contact us' page for further details