Zone 4
Please note: Each sub-area is booked individually eg. 4A and 4B
Overview: Two teaching rooms interlinked by internal double door

Zone 4A
- Size 9m x 9.5m, can accommodate up to 40 students (including tables and chairs)
- Includes: Data projector with networked computer plus overhead camera for live video feed to the projection screen (optical zoom for close up demonstrations)
- 3 sinks
Zone 4B
- Size 9.5m x 7m, can accommodate up to 16 students
- Includes: Data projector with networked computer plus four overhead IP cameras for live video feed to the projection screen in Zone 4A
- Please Note: This room is primarily the simulation suite for high infidelity paediatric manikin simulations. The full AV system is complex and requires the support of Nursing Child branch lecturers.
- 2 sinks