Learning about modern slavery through murals

 Bring Back our Girls
16 Jul 2018 14:02:16.847

The Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham has brought together the world’s first collection of murals focused on modern slavery and human trafficking.

People will be able to see the collection, Imagining Freedom, from today (Monday 16 July) at http://rightsandjustice.nottingham.ac.uk/murals .

It brings together murals from across the world condemning modern slavery and raises awareness of this phenomenon.

There are currently approximately 130 murals on the website.

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The collection shows the emergence of the modern slavery mural movement from the early 2000s to today, and depicts modern slavery in general, alongside more specific types, including forced sexual exploitation and forced labour.

The collection shows that there is a new anti-slavery mural movement and highlights how activists are using this form of activism to raise awareness towards ending slavery.

Charlotte James, a PhD student, Research Associate with the Rights Lab, and creator of the collection, said: “We are extremely pleased to be launching the website, as it will be the first time members of the public will be able to see these amazing creations in one place. There is a lot of public interest in modern slavery and these murals give people the opportunity to learn more through the eyes of others.”

Professor Zoe Trodd, Director of the Rights Lab and the murals projects, said: “What we see in this fantastic collection is the power of murals and street art to bring together local communities, raise awareness, provide a jumping-off point for community education, and offer art therapy opportunities.

“As our global anti-slavery community works towards a slavery-free world by 2030, artists have a key role to play in helping to build slavery-free communities and cities, and I would like to see an anti-slavery mural in every town and city!”

The project is part of the Rights Lab’s mission to help meet the global political commitment to end slavery by 2030.

The Rights Lab is the world’s leading group of modern slavery experts and this is one of many projects the team is currently leading. For more information visit the website.

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For more information or to set up an interview, please contact the Rights Lab at rightslab@nottingham.ac.uk

Charlotte Anscombe – Media Relations Manager (Arts and Social Sciences)

Email: charlotte.anscombe@nottingham.ac.uk  Phone:+44 (0)115 74 84 417 Location: University Park

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