Vet champions scheme launched to help horse owners detect early signs of colic

28 Feb 2019 17:14:32.407

A new ‘Vet Champions’ scheme is being launched by the University of Nottingham and the British Horse Society after research revealed that one in three emergency vet call outs were due to equine colic and that 90% of horse owners struggle to spot early signs this life-threatening condition.

The new scheme will support the REACT Now to Beat Colic campaign which has successfully raised awareness of colic in horses over the past few years.

The initiative will see veterinary practices across the United Kingdom boost awareness of colic further by providing their clients with advice, presentations and resources on all issues related to colic in horses. The scheme is supported by 62 veterinary practices and will enable horse owners to create a vital plan of action, should their horse develop colic and require referral to an equine hospital. It is hoped that hundreds more owners will receive the latest expert advice on colic. 

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More information is available from Professor Sarah Freeman, School of Veterinary , University of Nottingham via email or the British Horse Society Press Office. 02476 840 460

Emma Rayner - Media Relations Manager

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