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Accelerating fuel-efficient car production with disruptive 3D print process

Accelerating fuel-efficient car production with disruptive 3D print process

Engineers at The University of Nottingham are developing lightweight automotive components using new additive manufacturing processes to boost vehicle fuel efficiency, while cutting noise and CO2 emissions
Release Date
Last Year
New drive to cut childhood brain tumour diagnosis times

New drive to cut childhood brain tumour diagnosis times

The HeadSmart campaign which helped to halve brain tumour diagnosis times in the UK has been relaunched to try to cut delays further. The new drive was announced today by the Children's Brain Tumour Research Centre, The Brain Tumour Charity and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
Release Date
Last Year
Help our mental health researchers fight the blues on Blue Monday

Help our mental health researchers fight the blues on Blue Monday

The REBOOT study has been set up to evaluate two online support tools for people who experience mild to moderate depression, anxiety or low mood. The team at the Institute of Mental Health is asking the Nottinghamshire public to join the study.
Release Date
Last Year
New weapon in the fight against modern slavery

New weapon in the fight against modern slavery

University rights and justice experts team up with the Walk Free Foundation, a global leader in data-gathering on modern slavery and human trafficking.
Release Date
Last Year
The future of MRI in Nottingham unveiled

The future of MRI in Nottingham unveiled

£9m investment programme equips Nottingham with the very latest imaging facilities for innovative research.
Release Date
Last Year
New MP3 player for Christmas? Don't turn the volume up too loud

New MP3 player for Christmas? Don't turn the volume up too loud

Experts at The University of Nottingham investigating so-called 'hidden hearing loss' are warning music lovers to be careful not to turn the volume up too loud.
Release Date
Last Year
Target freshers to halt spread of meningitis, say researchers

Target freshers to halt spread of meningitis, say researchers

New research has highlighted the success of a University of Nottingham vaccination campaign in protecting students against meningitis. Public Health England are highlighting the approach as an example of best practice in preventing and managing meningitis and septicaemia in higher education.
Release Date
Last Year
Young people could be limiting future salaries by dismissing A-level maths

Young people could be limiting future salaries by dismissing A-level maths

England has one of the lowest levels of post-16 mathematics engagement among developed countries, according to international comparisons. This is despite the fact that mathematics qualifications such as A-level Maths are linked to higher salaries, as reported in new research.
Release Date
Last Year
BRAVO! Optimising the performance of brassica crops

BRAVO! Optimising the performance of brassica crops

Nottingham plant scientists to play a lead role in combating losses experienced by two of the UK's most economically valuable vegetable crops.
Release Date
Last Year
Surf and earth: how prawn shopping bags could save the planet

Surf and earth: how prawn shopping bags could save the planet

Bioengineers at The University of Nottingham are trialling how to make biodegradable shopping bags from shrimp shells as a 'green' alternative to oil-based plastic packaging.
Release Date
Last Year
'We could make that!' — chance meeting leads to creation of antibiotic spider silk

'We could make that!' — chance meeting leads to creation of antibiotic spider silk

Antibiotic 'spider silk' - 'click-chemistry' can be used to attach molecules, such as antibiotics or fluorescent dyes, to artificially produced spider silk synthesised by E.coli bacteria.
Release Date
Last Year
Global slavery expert is honoured for his work

Global slavery expert is honoured for his work

Professor Kevin Bales from The University of Nottingham has been appointed a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) in the Queen's New Year Honours.
Release Date
Last Year
Lakeside Arts champion awarded OBE

Lakeside Arts champion awarded OBE

The achievements of the Director of Nottingham Lakeside Arts have been recognised in the New Year Honours list.Shona Powell has been appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for her work in the arts – most notably transforming the University of Nottingham's arts centre and museum into a major national asset.
Release Date
Last Year
New ultrasound technique is first to image inside live cells

New ultrasound technique is first to image inside live cells

Researchers at The University of Nottingham have developed a break-through technique that uses sound rather than light to see inside live cells, with potential application in stem-cell transplants and cancer diagnosis.
Release Date
Last Year
Dark energy researcher given major award to take on Einstein's theory

Dark energy researcher given major award to take on Einstein's theory

A dark energy researcher at The University of Nottingham has been granted a £800,000 Research Leadership Award from the Leverhulme Trust.
Release Date
Last Year
My Marriage My Choice

My Marriage My Choice

A new study from The University of Nottingham will examine the issue of forced marriage among adults with learning disabilities.
Release Date
Last Year
New funding for University spin-out treating vision loss

New funding for University spin-out treating vision loss

University of Nottingham spin-out business, Exonate, has secured new investment to accelerate the development of an eye drop for the treatment of wet Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD).
Release Date
Last Year
International consortium to accelerate safer and more effective treatment for children's brain tumours

International consortium to accelerate safer and more effective treatment for children's brain tumours

National charity 'Children with Cancer UK' funds new search for effective treatments that can cross the protective blood brain barrier.
Release Date
Last Year
Television volume can be festive flashpoint for Christmas viewers

Television volume can be festive flashpoint for Christmas viewers

Christmas TV volume can be a festive flashpoint for hearing aid users and their families. In a bid to promote peace on earth ��� and in the living room – researchers at The University of Nottingham are recruiting hearing aid TV viewers and their partners to find their ideal listening levels for viewing harmony.
Release Date
Last Year
Registration of human tissue banks could stop millions of samples going to waste

Registration of human tissue banks could stop millions of samples going to waste

A change in the way human tissue banks are registered should help prevent millions of human tissue samples, that could be used for medical research, from going to waste.
Release Date
Last Year
Displaying 661 to 680 of 2000
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