Press releases

New study provides clearer picture on breast cancer risk and HRT use

A new study, led by experts at the Universities of Nottingham and Oxford, provides a clearer and more detailed picture on which women are at increased risk of breast cancer when using different HRT treatments.
A new study, led by experts at the Universities of Nottingham and Oxford, provides a clearer and more detailed picture on which women are at increased risk of breast cancer when using different HRT treatments.

Events to mark 15 years of Nottingham-Ningbo friendship kick-off at UNNC

2020 marks the 15th anniversary of the formalisation of the Nottingham-Ningbo city friendship and a launch ceremony has been held at University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) to kick off a series of events to celebrate this milestone.

£4 million data project to accelerate COVID-19 research

A new multi-million pound research project will help scientists across the UK to access the data they need more easily to help develop potential therapies and treatment for COVID-19.
A new multi-million pound research project will help scientists across the UK to access the data they need more easily to help develop potential therapies and treatment for COVID-19.

New research to boost digital revolution and keep people safe online

The University of Nottingham is one of six research centres across the UK that will deliver ground-breaking research to allow people across the country to grasp the possibilities of the digital revolution, while addressing key challenges to their online safety and privacy.

War on plastic is distracting from more urgent threats to environment, experts warn

A team of leading environmental experts, spearheaded by the University of Nottingham, have warned that the current war on plastic is detracting from the bigger threats to the environment.

Rise in reports of exploitation in Nottinghamshire during Covid-19 pandemic

Anti-slavery practitioners are warning that they have seen an increasing number of exploitation cases being reported during the pandemic.

University COVID data published daily as downward trend continues

University COVID data published daily as downward trend continues

Slavery and trafficking occurs in 90 per cent of recent wars and conflicts, new research shows

Research by the University of Nottingham’s Rights Lab has identified that slavery and human trafficking are present in 90 per cent of modern wars.

Survivors of modern slavery report positive life changes through employment in Cambodia factory

A new study by the University of Nottingham’s Rights Lab has found a link between employment at Outland Denim's manufacturing facilities in Cambodia and a 'freedom dividend' for formerly enslaved young women and their peers.

Lakeside Arts to Reopen with Mat Collishaw Exhibition

Lakeside Arts, the University of Nottingham’s public art programme is to reopen this weekend since closing its doors in March due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
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