Press releases

Caribbean nationals take up capacity building scholarships to join School of Law postgraduate programme

Scholarships offered by the CARICOM Secretariat have allowed five Caribbean nationals to pursue a Postgraduate Certificate in Public Procurement Law and Policy offered by the University of Nottingham’s School of Law.

New study reveals emotional news hits men harder, spilling into financial decisions

Emotional news stories have a strong impact on men’s financial decisions, according to new research.

New study reveals political branding is not connecting with young voters

A recent study examining how young people interpret political brands through the context of brand image, has found there is little differentiation, identification and connection between young voters and politicians.

New research highlights the effects higher environmental taxes have on offshore production

New research from Nottingham University Business School (NUBS) has investigated the effects of environmental damage and pollution intensity and has found that high environmental taxes can in fact reduce the offshore incentive – in particular, in the production of critical ‘intermediate goods.’

Major new database reveals severe shortcomings in efforts to eliminate forced marriage

A new global review of legislation tackling child, early and forced marriage reveals significant shortcomings in countries’ efforts to prevent child, early and forced marriage and protect those subjected to these practices.

Investors urged to tackle exploitation and improve labour rights in English care sector

The adult social care sector is under great amounts of stress, with evidence both of problematic labour conditions, opaque business models, and a lack of financial sustainability.

New report sets out plans for largest ever cohort studies of mathematical education in England

The University of Nottingham’s Observatory for Mathematical Education has published its Introductory Report which sets out its design concepts, together with preliminary plans for the coming years.

Fear, stigma and exclusion prevail for LGBT+ welfare claimants, new study finds

Britain’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT+) population endures fear, stigma and exclusion when trying to claim social security benefits, according to a new study from social scientists.

Nottingham academic wins Young Scientist Sustainable Development Goals award

A University of Nottingham academic has been named as the recipient of the Young Scientist Sustainable Development Goals award at the World Young Scientists Summit 2024.

New report highlights risk of exploitation of adults with cognitive impairment

A new report from Nottingham Rights Lab has highlighted the risk of control and exploitation of adults living with cognitive impairment.
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