Press releases

Nottingham engineers produce certified 3D printed face shields for NHS

Engineers at the University of Nottingham have designed a PPE face shield with CE approval that they are 3D printing at scale for healthcare workers to use in the fight against COVID-19.

Nottingham researcher awarded £1.2 million Fellowship for work into prison regulation and safety

Dr Philippa Tomczak has been awarded a prestigious £1.2 million grant through the UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowship programme to further her work into prison regulation for safer prisons and societies.

UK's largest conference for technicians in higher education and research coming to Nottingham in 2021

The UK’s biggest ever conference for technicians in Higher Education and research will be taking place at the University of Nottingham on Wednesday 23rd June 2021.

Universities in Nottingham to play a key role in the development of a potential DNA vaccine against COVID-19

Scientists at the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University will contribute essential virology expertise to help develop a safe and effective vaccine to prevent COVID-19.

Nottingham dermatology experts are looking after the nation’s skin during pandemic

Skin experts in the School of Medicine at the University of Nottingham have been working to provide expert advice and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nottingham University Business School reaffirmed as one of top Business Schools in the world

Nottingham University Business School has officially received re-accreditation from the Association of MBAs (AMBA), the highest standard of achievement in post-graduate business education.

Nottingham students’ food surplus supermarket steps up to COVID challenge

A University of Nottingham student-run food surplus supermarket and redistribution network has been stepping up its activity after demand surged in the current lockdown to tackle COVID-19.

Supporting pharmacists with COVID-19 ethical decision-making framework

A new guidance framework has been launched to support pharmacists and registered pharmacy technicians faced with making difficult decisions linked to the exceptional impact of COVID-19.

Survey of UK nurses and midwives’ highlights their concerns about health, training and workload during COVID-19

Leadership in Covid-19: Nottingham University Business School announces May event to help business leaders survive and thrive in the ‘new normal’

Chief Executives, HR, Learning and Development and Talent Management professionals are being brought together by Nottingham University Business School to plot their way forward from the Covid-19 pandemic which is threatening irreversible damage to the UK economy.
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