Press releases

Walking with atoms – chemical bond making and breaking recorded in action

Scientists have for the first time captured and filmed atoms bonding, using advanced microscopy methods they captured a moment of breaking a chemical bond, around half a million times smaller than the width of a human hair.

Lame sheep adjust their behaviour to cope with their condition, says a new study

Using novel sensing technology, experts from the University of Nottingham have found that lame sheep adjust how they carry out certain actives, such as walking, standing or laying down, rather than simply reducing the amount they do.

Male songbirds can’t survive on good looks alone, says a new study

Brightly coloured male songbirds not only have to attract the female’s eye, but also make sure their sperm can last the distance, according to new research.

Sir Martyn Poliakoff receives China’s highest scientific honour

Sir Martyn Poliakoff has been recognised for his work on the international scientific stage by the 2019 International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of the People’s Republic of China - the nation's highest honour for foreign scientists.

Professor Kevin Shakesheff appointed as NC3Rs Board Chair

Professor Kevin Shakesheff has been appointed as Chair of the Board of the National Centre for the Replacement Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs).

Student-led food surplus supermarket wins global impact award

A University of Nottingham student-led social enterprise that saves and sells food which supermarkets would otherwise throw away has won a prestigious award from Universitas 21 (U21), a leading global network of universities. Foodprint in Sneinton is the city’s first ‘social supermarket’ and surplus food redistribution network. It’s run by students from Enactus Nottingham – a not-for-profit organisation that supports student entrepreneurs.

University of Nottingham Spin out secures major collaboration deal with Johnson and Johnson

Exonate Ltd has secured a major collaboration deal with Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., one of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson for its ophthalmology program.

Street art depicting modern slavery can empower community action towards ending enslavement

Modern slavery murals can play an important role in the fight to end modern slavery, according to a new report written by academics from the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham.

Lyme disease: Justin Bieber’s tick-bite illness can cause joint pain, heart problems, and depression

Associate Professor of Veterinary Parasitology, Hany Elsheikha writes for The Conversation

Autism awareness training for police custody staff launched by university and police

A new Autism  Awareness Toolkit has  been created for custody staff thanks to a partnership between researchers from the University of Nottingham, Nottinghamshire Police and a group of people with autism.
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