Press releases

Power of music to improve health and wellbeing under discussion at conference

Singing talent from the Vicky McClure Dementia Choir, featured on a BBC TV documentary, will be among the performers at a national conference in Nottingham discussing the role music can play in health and social care.

New funding for Zimbabwe micronutrient research

The University of Nottingham is carrying out new research into mineral micronutrient deficiencies (MMNDs), with partners in Zimbabwe, after receiving a share of £14.8M from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

Survivor narratives should inform antislavery work says new report

The testimony of survivors should be at the forefront of antislavery work, according a new report by the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham.

A father’s diet could affect the long-term heart health of his offspring

A new study has found that a lack of protein in a father’s diet affects the quality of his sperm and in turn, could affect the long-term cardiovascular health of his offspring.

Itchy skin allergies in dogs linked to problem behaviour, says new study

New research has found a direct link between dogs who suffer from a common skin allergy that causes chronic itching and problem behaviour.

Government at risk of missing its own Ageing Society target, says new report

The UK Government is at risk of missing its target to increase healthy life expectancy by five years by 2035, according to a new report out today.

Modern Slavery Statements in agriculture sector are poor quality

A new study shows that companies in the agriculture sector are failing to produce Modern Slavery Statements that demonstrate what they are doing to end labour exploitation in their workforce.

Innovative microfinance scheme is alleviating child poverty in Northern India

Small loans given to women in poor areas of Northern India are helping to improve child nutrition in rural communities, according to a report from experts at the University of Nottingham.

Stopping malaria in its tracks - new research could help prevent transmission of deadly disease

Scientists have made a major breakthrough in understanding how malaria, one of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases, is transmitted from mosquitoes to humans, which could be an important step in eradicating the disease.

New immersive captioning tech to revolutionise theatres’ provision for deaf audiences

New and easy to use immersive captioning technology is to be made freely available to UK theatre companies to boost their provision for deaf audiences. The package of training and software has been developed by experts in drama and performance at the University of Nottingham, in collaboration with Red Earth Theatre, a pioneering company based in the East Midlands.
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