Press releases

Public consultation launched on plan for the future of student living in Nottingham

A new plan has been created to increase the choice and quality of student housing, maximise the benefits of a large student population and better tackle any associated challenges for communities in Nottingham.

New research restates the case for a Single Enforcement Body

New research published by the Rights Lab calls for the government to revisit a manifesto pledge to establish a Single Enforcement Body (SEB) and transform the fragmented labour enforcement system in the UK.

New report reveals recommendations to manufacture a digital future for industry

A major new report that seeks to future-proof the UK’s manufacturing sector, helping it adapt to, and benefit from, digital technologies has been published.

£1.7m funding for wearable brain imaging system brings it closer to patient use

Wearable brain imaging technology, that can provide accurate measures of brain function in freely moving patients, has been awarded £1.7m to take it closer to approval for use in hospitals.

Growing for gold: How plants could soon recover gold and other precious metals from mining waste

A project involving the University of Nottingham, which is looking to find a plant-based alternative for the recovery of gold, silver, and copper nanoparticles from mining waste, has received £375,000 in funding.

Prisons and Probation Ombudsman should improve transparency in death investigations to improve prison safety, report finds

The UK Prisons and Probation Ombudsman (PPO) must improve transparency when investigating prisoner deaths, according to a new report by prison safety experts at the University of Nottingham.

University twinning will challenge Russian propaganda and support social transformation in Ukraine

The University of Nottingham has twinned with a Ukrainian university to offer a joint master's degree programme that will improve Humanities teaching, knowledge and research in Ukraine.

“Robotaxis” take one step closer to reality thanks to ServCity project success

Autonomous taxis could soon join fleets in cities across the UK after a blueprint infrastructure was created by a major national research project.

Fibre discovery could shape better gut health

Changing the structure of a dietary fibre commonly found in a range of food products has been found to promote healthy gut bacteria and reduce gas formation, a finding that could help people with intolerances to fibre and irritable bowel conditions.

Nottingham researcher awarded prestigious engineering chair to create next generation of quantum sensors

A University of Nottingham professor has gained national industry recognition after receiving a Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies.
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