Press releases

Nottingham scientists receive funding to help the transition to a low-carbon world

Experts from the University of Nottingham have received £2million in funding towards its testing facilities for electric machines, a huge step towards carbon neutrality and a big step towards tackling climate change.

Nottingham experts win prestigious award for putting patients at the heart of their research

Researchers from the Institute of Mental Health at the University of Nottingham have won a national award, recognising their work in involving participants in their research to improve care.

New report lays bare the exploitation in the UK fishing industry

UK immigration loopholes are allowing the fishing industry to exploit migrant fishers, leaving them open to deportation, through no fault of their own, and being paid well below the minimum wage, a new report by the Rights Lab has found.

Clinical trial launched for wearable device to control Tourette Syndrome

A wearable wrist device that delivers electrical pulses to reduce the amount and severity of tics experienced by individuals with Tourette Syndrome (TS) is being tested in a UK-wide clinical trial.

University of Nottingham partnership part of £20m investment in new blood and transplant units

The University of Nottingham is one of five research units across blood, organ, plasma, and stem cells launched today by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT).

Research Excellence Framework 2021 - University of Nottingham Result

The University of Nottingham’s reputation for transformational research that improves the lives of millions of people around the globe has been recognised by the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF2021).

Unearthing the fascinating world of plants at family event

How can you grow food without soil? What does a root x-ray look like? How do plants sense their environment? Scientists will be answering these questions and more at the Fascination of Plants Day taking place on the 18th May.

Personal stories of alcohol addiction could help shape future healthcare

A new study looks at over three decades worth of research about the recovery stories of people who previously consumed harmful levels of alcohol, with the aim of using the content to help to shape future research and healthcare provision into supporting people with alcohol addiction.

Drax to pilot more pioneering new carbon capture technology

Renewable energy pioneer Drax has partnered with the University of Nottingham and Promethean Particles to trial a pioneering new bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) process at its North Yorkshire power station.

AACSB accreditation completes ‘triple crown’ for Nottingham University Business School

Nottingham University Business School today joins the top one per cent of business schools in the world that hold ‘triple crown’ accreditation. The school has earned accreditation from AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) for all three of its locations in the UK, China and Malaysia.
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