Press releases

Spin-out company launched to deliver wrist device to control Tourette’s

A revolutionary new stimulation treatment for Tourette’s, proven to reduce tics, has moved closer to being available to people as a wearable wrist device with the launch of a new spin-out company.

National recognition for teaching excellence at the University of Nottingham

The excellence and innovation of teaching at the University of Nottingham has achieved national recognition, after scooping two prestigious awards.

Researchers are first in the world to watch plants 'drink' water in real-time

Scientists at the University of Nottingham have become the first in the world to find a way to observe how plant roots take in and circulate water at the cellular level, which could help to identify future drought and flood-resistant crops.

University Covid-19 testing service first to be recognised with government accreditation

The University of Nottingham’s asymptomatic Covid-19 testing service has been recommended for accreditation from the government to allow its unique non-invasive saliva testing process to be simplified and sped up by removing the need for a second confirmation NHS test.

Smart, self-configuring factories on horizon thanks to £5m research centre

A new £5m research centre aims to put UK manufacturing on the map for the sustainable and scalable production of high-value, customised products using smart and connected factories.

New food science lab opens after major refurbishment

A laboratory on Sutton Bonington campus has opened after a multi-million pound refurbishment to modernise and improve the building.

British Academy honour for criminal jurisprudence expert

Professor Paul Roberts, a leading researcher and law teacher at the University of Nottingham has been made a Fellow of the prestigious British Academy.

Satellites track “bog breathing” to help monitor peatlands

Using satellite technology to look at how bogs “breathe” could help build a better picture of peatland condition and restoration progress in Scotland. Research by the University of Nottingham using a technique developed with the university's spinout company Terra Motion Ltd, demonstrates the potential to map the movement of the ground’s surface.

Parks count on new technology to monitor footfall

New technology is being trialled at selected parks across the UK to count people using phone signals, providing valuable data that can be used to improve safety and services.

Economists pinpoint UK local authorities in greatest need of support post-Covid-19 — new research

New research has enabled economic experts to pinpoint the UK’s local authorities most in need of the government’s £4.8 billion Levelling Up Fund.
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