Press releases

New MRI study to get clearer picture of treatment for common bowel problem

Experts from the University of Nottingham are looking for volunteers to take part in an MRI study into a common treatment for constipation.

Research suggests Midlands schools’ Covid-19 response was strengthened by Trust leadership

A new study into schools in the Midlands by the University of Nottingham, in partnership with the Confederation of School Trusts, has found their response to the pandemic was likely to have been enhanced by being members of a Trust.

Wearable brain scanner research to examine elderly drivers

A wearable brain scanner is being used, for the first time, to investigate the brain activity in elderly people whilst driving a car.

Experts create ‘chatbot’ to address people’s concerns about Covid-19 vaccines

A team of experts are hoping to support members of the public who are hesitant about having a Covid-19 vaccination, and have developed an innovative new website to answer people’s questions and concerns.

Food Innovation Centre turns the spotlight on alternative proteins

An ambitious plant-based food company supported by the Food Innovation Centre in its infancy has raised £1.6 million via crowdfunding.

Artificial Intelligence-driven ceramic coatings for greener air travel and human missions to Mars

A materials expert at the University of Nottingham has secured over £2.1m to develop new coatings for use in aerospace that could cut jet plane CO2 emissions and help spacecraft built for humans venture further into our solar system.

Supercomputer gives researchers power to accelerate drug discovery

One of the world’s most powerful supercomputers is being used by chemists at the University of Nottingham to accelerate research into the discovery of new medicines.

Long-term weight retention and associated health risks identified in obese adults

UK adults who are overweight or obese retain their weight over time, which is linked with an increased risk of health complications and death, according to a new study.

Alternating vaccines trial expands to include two additional vaccines

Experts from the University of Nottingham are looking for people who have had their first Covid-19 vaccination in the past 8-12 weeks, to take part in an extended study investigating alternating doses of two new approved vaccines.

New study reveals why some people are hungry all the time

People who experience big dips in blood sugar levels, several hours after eating, end up feeling hungrier and consuming hundreds more calories during the day than others, according to experts.
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