Press releases

Nottingham scientists receive funding to help the transition to a low-carbon world

Experts from the University of Nottingham have received £2million in funding towards its testing facilities for electric machines, a huge step towards carbon neutrality and a big step towards tackling climate change.

Drax to pilot more pioneering new carbon capture technology

Renewable energy pioneer Drax has partnered with the University of Nottingham and Promethean Particles to trial a pioneering new bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) process at its North Yorkshire power station.

Clean marine: £5.5m research effort to fuel ships on green ammonia

The University of Nottingham is leading a new project to investigate the potential of ammonia to fuel and decarbonise the long-haul shipping industry, and to boost the UK’s powertrain sector.

Industrial repair ‘snake’ robot now being tested for cancer surgery

A repair robot that takes inspiration from the bendiness and sensing ability of snakes to access hard-to-reach places in harsh, industrial environments is now being exploited for use in human surgery.

Engineers to develop efficient alternative to current carbon capture technology

The University of Nottingham is leading an international consortium aiming to accelerate the development of carbon capture and storage.

Major research effort to save future of European peatlands

A five-year, £3.7m research project involving scientists from across the UK and partners across Europe will assess the risk that climate change poses to our peatlands and create the capability to better manage these important ecosystems.

£1.25m initiative to build a diverse energy research community

A £1.25m project is tackling the lack of diversity in energy research by harnessing the talents of researchers from all backgrounds.

World-first: speed of sound used to measure elasticity of materials

Researchers at the University of Nottingham have devised a revolutionary new technique for measuring the microscopic elasticity of materials for the first time. Known as SRAS, the technology works by measuring the speed of sound across the material’s surface.

Wider-reaching solutions urgently needed to reach realistic ‘net zero’, warn researchers

There should be greater investment in a wider group of decision-making experts on landscape management, if the UK is to reach climate targets such as net zero, a new report warns.

Electric Aviation Group and University of Nottingham Partner on Electric Propulsion Systems

The Electric Aviation Group (EAG) and the University of Nottingham have confirmed their intention to create Hydrogen Hybrid Electric Propulsion Systems (H2EPS) Ltd.
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