Press releases

Growing for gold: How plants could soon recover gold and other precious metals from mining waste

A project involving the University of Nottingham, which is looking to find a plant-based alternative for the recovery of gold, silver, and copper nanoparticles from mining waste, has received £375,000 in funding.

“Robotaxis” take one step closer to reality thanks to ServCity project success

Autonomous taxis could soon join fleets in cities across the UK after a blueprint infrastructure was created by a major national research project.

Nottingham researcher awarded prestigious engineering chair to create next generation of quantum sensors

A University of Nottingham professor has gained national industry recognition after receiving a Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies.

£10 million in funding announced to bring clean aviation one step closer to reality

Several projects led by the University of Nottingham’s Institute of Aerospace Technology (IAT) have received a share of ten million pounds to fund research into the future of net zero aviation.

“A fantastic experience”: Inaugural international programme for Indonesian students concludes at the University of Nottingham

A brand-new scheme that saw a cohort of 39 Indonesian students receive engineering-related training at the University of Nottingham has been dubbed “a fantastic experience” as it comes to an end.

University of Nottingham workshops aim to reduce fuel poverty one meal at a time

An outreach project, led by the University of Nottingham, hopes to reduce fuel poverty in the city one meal at a time by teaching people how to make their own energy saving slow cooker.

New research has ingredients for medical 3D printing success

A new research project has been awarded over £6m to develop a toolkit to allow 3D printed medicines to be manufactured effectively bringing innovations like biological personalised pills and ‘living plasters’ closer to commercial production.

Engineering alumna to go the extra mile for cancer charity

A former University of Nottingham student is preparing to run a marathon to raise awareness and funds for people whose lives, like her own, have been affected by brain tumours.

Nottingham academic receives OBE in New Year Honours

A positioning and navigating expert at the University of Nottingham has been listed in the 2023 New Year Honours List.

“STEM” into Christmas: Nottingham schoolchildren get a taste of engineering at annual festive lecture

Hundreds of schoolchildren from across the county have been learning about ‘The Future of Transportation” as part of the Faculty of Engineering’s Christmas Lecture at the University of Nottingham.
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