Press releases

World’s most beautiful endangered snail needs your vote

Scientists in the UK and Cuba are urging members of the public to vote for the ‘world’s most beautiful snail’, in an international competition to unravel its DNA blueprint – thus unlocking the key to its beauty.

UK Aid funding for Nottingham research to develop Zika virus vaccine

Scientists in Nottingham have been awarded £462,462 for the development of a vaccine for the Zika virus from £10m of UK Aid funding for research into vaccines to protect the world from deadly diseases.

Healing broken hearts top priority this Valentine’s Day for University of Nottingham researchers

The Biodiscovery Institute at the University of Nottingham and Animal Free Research UK have teamed up to develop cutting-edge human stem-cell technology to combat cardiac fibrosis - a major cause of heart failure in the UK affecting 900,000 people annually.

Study will assess prevention of Covid-19 infection in immunocompromised people

A new study, involving researchers from the University of Nottingham, is recruiting more than 35,000 immunocompromised people to determine their immune response to the Covid-19 vaccination and future risk of infection, hospitalisation and survival over six months.

Experts appeal for public support to help improve the care of elephants in human care

A ground-breaking new android app, developed by experts at the University of Nottingham, could help elephant keepers at facilities around the world to monitor the welfare of their animals ensuring they lead happy and healthy lives.

Social deprivation may affect psychological health and make daily activities more challenging for people with osteoarthritis

Social deprivation, which can lead to impairments in memory and concentration, can make day-to-day activities, such as going shopping or doing housework, challenging for people with painful osteoarthritis.

Pulse oximeter measurements of blood oxygen levels are unreliable in assessing severity of Covid-19 infections across different ethnic groups

The severity of Covid-19 infection can be difficult to assess in people from different ethnic groups, due to inaccurate readings from a device that measures the level of oxygen in the blood of patients.

Study will examine extent of pollutants left by abandoned lead mines

Experts at the University of Nottingham will look at the extent of pollution in and around abandoned lead mines in Wales, and what impact this could be having on the health of both wild and farmed animals in the mine locality.

Stress associated with an increased risk of getting Covid-19, study finds

A new study has found that people who experienced increased stress, anxiety and depression at the start of the pandemic, were at greater risk of getting Covid-19.
The research, published in Annals of Behavioral Medicine, found that greater psychological distress during the early phase of the pandemic was significantly associated with participants later reporting SARS-CoV-2 infection, a greater number of symptoms and also more severe symptoms.

Hereditary colon cancer more common in Indonesia, says new study

A new study has found that Lynch syndrome, which is a hereditary form of colorectal cancer, is more common in young people in Indonesia, than in the UK, Europe or the USA.
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